Adrenal fatigue is pervasive in modern society because we are not meant for the type of chronic stress we are all facing. It happens in four stages and the first one is surprises everyone.
Let's talk about healing your adrenals naturalluy from phase two adrenal fatigue, which I call "tired but wired," or phase three adrenal fatigue, which I call burning down. Once your adrenals are actually in phase four, "burned out," you will probably need to work with a practitioner to use glandular or hormone supplements to restore the normal cortisol curve.
Adrenal fatigue is everywhere because modern society is almost perfectly designed to push your adrenals to the limit and then some. But what is adrenal fatigue, really?
Detoxifying is incredible for your body, so why does it feel like you're being pulled backward through a meat grinder? The truth is some of those feelings are par for the course because you are asking your body to do some heavy work, but it can also show you where you're stuck.
Obviously, humans need oxygen, that fact isn't lost on us, but often, the factors that get in the way of getting good oxygen are overlooked. A few well-known causes of fatigue, like anemia and iron deficiency, are actually oxygen problems even though we don't really think of them that way, but there are breathing related problems as well. The solution might just be as silly as taping your mouth shut.
Toxins are and have been a part of the human situation forever. Even before the industrial era, toxins came from bacteria, yeast, and fungii in food, minerals and biological products in the water, and compounds in the air. Now that humans have turned into giant trash heap creatures, your detoxification systems are always working to keep you alive, but they can't always keep up.
Detox is easy to get wrong - even for practitioners. So here are some of the basic foundations to good, effective, ongoing detoxification.
Sex hormones influence your energy, sleep, motivation and drive. Estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone are all big factors in how you feel on a daily basis.
Falling asleep should be as natural and easy as letting gravity pull you down a slide, but sometimes it isn't. In these cases, the first step in fixing the problem is making sure that you aren't taking something that causes the problem.
MTHFR and sleep are intertwined, so here are some of the most important things you can do to get the best sleep moving forward.