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Treatment Approaches for Chronic Stress

Treatment of chronic stress typically involves a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying causes of stress, as well as its physical and emotional symptoms. There is no one-size-fits-all approach and it is important to tailor your treatment plan to the unique ways your body experiences stress and not just to the idea of stress itself. Also, working on correcting factors that are related, but not directly implicated, like hormone balance, thyroid levels, anemia, and nutritional deficiencies, will make the management of chronic stress more effective.

Stress management techniques

A wide variety of stress management techniques are available and easy to access, so there is at least one that feels right and helpful to everyone. These techniques can be an effective way to reduce stress levels and balance stress hormones as well as to help mitigate the stress-related symptoms such as sleep disturbance and changes in appetite.

  • Relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and tai chi can help reduce muscle tension, balance stress hormones, lower blood pressure, and slow down the heart rate.
  • Physical exercise: Regular exercise can help reduce stress by releasing endorphins, improving mood, balancing hormones, and reducing anxiety.
  • Time management: Prioritizing, bite-sizing, and scheduling tasks can help individuals manage their time more effectively, reducing feelings of overwhelm and stress. If this isn’t a strength for you, taking a time management course can be extremely helpful for your stress levels long-term.
  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques such as mindfulness meditation can help you to notice negative thought patterns when they happen so that you can use the cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques. Research has shown that mindfulness helps to balance stress hormones and reduce symptoms of chronic stress.
  • Social support: Talking with friends or family members, joining a support group, or seeking professional help can help individuals feel less alone and more supported in managing their stress. Peer to peer support has been shown to improve health outcomes for many illnesses.
  • Healthy lifestyle choices: Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding unhealthy coping mechanisms such as excessive alcohol or drug use can help improve overall health and reduce the impact of chronic stress on the body.

It is important to note that different stress management techniques may work better for different people, and it may take some trial and error to find the most effective strategies.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that is commonly used to treat chronic stress. It is based on the idea that the way individuals think about and interpret events in their lives can influence their emotional and behavioral responses. CBT aims to identify and change negative thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to stress and replace them with more positive, adaptive ones.

In CBT, the therapist works with the individual to identify specific stressors and the thoughts and beliefs associated with them. The therapist then helps the individual develop new, more positive ways of thinking and coping with stress. This may involve teaching relaxation techniques, problem-solving skills, and behavioral strategies to reduce stress. CBT is often used in conjunction with other therapies or treatments, such as mindfulness meditation, medication or stress management techniques. The length and frequency of CBT sessions can vary depending on the individual’s needs and the severity of their stress. It is important to find a good fit with a therapist who you feel like you can trust and collaborate with effectively.

Lifestyle changes:

A healthy lifestyle can help reduce stress and its effects. Regular exercise, healthy eating, and good sleep hygiene can improve physical health and mental well-being.

Lifestyle changes can also help manage chronic stress. These may include:

  • Regular exercise: Physical activity can reduce stress hormones and release endorphins that improve mood and overall well-being. This can be hard to prioritize when your stress is related to work or performance and time is at a premium, but it is entirely worth the time spent.
  • Healthy diet: A balanced and nutritionally dense diet can support physical and mental health, and help reduce stress. This involves moderate amounts of lean protein, high fiber, moderate complex carbohydrates, low sugars and sweetners, and good quality fats.
  • Adequate sleep: Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night to support physical and mental recovery from stress.
  • Time management: Prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively can reduce feelings of overwhelm and help regain a sense of control.
  • Relaxation techniques: Activities such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can help promote relaxation and reduce stress. Adding these activities in regularly takes determination, but can help to balance stress hormones.
  • Social support: Spending time with friends and family or seeking support from a mental health professional can provide a sense of comfort and reduce feelings of isolation.
  • Avoiding unhealthy coping mechanisms: Avoid turning to alcohol, drugs, or other unhealthy habits to cope with stress, as they can ultimately worsen the problem.

These lifestyle changes may be most effective when combined with other stress management techniques, such as therapy or medication.


Medication can be a treatment option for chronic stress, particularly when other methods have not been effective. Certain medications, such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications, can help to regulate brain chemicals and reduce symptoms of stress. In some situations, the medication can give you a reprieve from the severity of stress-related symptoms long enough to help you implement lifestyle changes and stress management techniques.

Medication should only be prescribed and monitored by a qualified healthcare provider, and  it may not be the best option for everyone. Some medications can have side effects and can interact with other medications, so it is important to discuss any potential risks and benefits with a healthcare provider. Additionally, medication should not be the sole treatment for chronic stress and should be combined with other stress management techniques and lifestyle changes.

The best treatment approach for chronic stress varies depending on an individual’s specific needs and circumstances. It is important to seek professional help from a mental health provider to identify and address the underlying causes of chronic stress and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Clieck on this link to read our article : Chronic Stress: The Complete Guide

Clieck on this link to read our article : Emotional and Behavior Changes With Chronic Stress

Clieck on this link to read our article : Health Consequences of Chronic Stress

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Amy Neuzil

Dr. Amy Neuzil, N.D. is a leading expert in MTHFR and epigenetics, and she is passionate about helping people achieve optimal health and wellness for their genetic picture. She has helped thousands of people overcome health challenges using a simple, step-by-step approach that starts with where they are today. Dr. Neuzil's unique approach to wellness has helped countless people improve their energy levels, lose weight, and feel better mentally and emotionally. If you're looking for a way to feel your best, Dr. Amy Neuzil can help. Contact her today to learn more about how she can help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

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